It’s like a heavy mix of mid century meets NYC Loft, I’m a huge fan of organised clutter so it’s difficult to put a stamp on it really
What are your 3 favourite things about your space?
The print wall being number two, it’s the perfect feature for the space and really brings it in
Number three is all the toys spaced around. I’m a huge fan of Japanese pop culture, and the toys are my beacon for that. It doesn’t feel like my space without a gundam

Top arts, dining and club venue in your city?
Arts - I love the white cube gallery in Bermondsey, it’s a beautiful space and the artists featured there are always 10/10 and complement the space perfectly
Drinking - That is hard. There are like 700 pubs in the city! The Bricklayer's Arms in Hoxton, or The Marquis by Charing Cross. Both have different vibes. The Marquis is an old man local who loves Chas and Dave, Bricklayers is very hip with the world's best juke box
Dining - Call me basic but I’m a sucker for Rudis pizza in Soho. Best pizza spot in London, cheap, food is good and the cocktails slap
Clubs - I couldn’t tell you, I refuse to stay out past 11pm!
Teleporting would be cool don’t get me wrong... but I’ve got to pray I teleport somewhere (I’ve not been) closer to home - and then pay to get home. If I could fly then I can at least get over the people walking 2mph in the city, I’m a speedy walker so let’s go with fly