Paper Garden
Stell Colour’s work is characterized by a vibrant use of color, geometric shapes, and abstract forms. Drawing inspiration from both natural and urban environments, Stell creates pieces that explore the relationship between form and color. Their art often features a playful mix of organic and structured elements, creating a dynamic visual balance
Stell Colour employs a variety of techniques in their artwork, blending traditional collage methods with modern digital tools. This hybrid approach allows for a unique texture and depth in their pieces, making each artwork a distinctive creation
Othman Zougam is a London-based graphic designer with a passion for creating art that combines traditional Japanese influences with modern design techniques. Inspired by nature and the beauty of simplicity, Othman's designs often feature striking colour combinations and intricate textures, providing a sense of tactility, depth and dimensionality to his work.
DROOL’s lineup features a carefully curated selection of unique art from independent and emerging artists from around the world.
Refresh your wall art with eye-catching design while supporting underrepresented creative talent.
Euljiro Vibe
mareykrap seeks to explore different moments of life with unrealistic colors and various textures in unformalized ways.
A lighter please
"I am a photographer and art director based in Paris, fascinated by the impact of humans and technologies on society. I enjoy capturing unique and singular moments. My creative work reflects my curiosity about everything around me."
Flower 6
Max Blackmore spends his time designing logos, illustrations, and branding for companies with a knack for taste. He creates images daily, with his works gracing skin and walls alike
Justė Urbonavičiūtė aka Kissi Ussuki is a freelance illustrator based in Vilnius, Lithuania. She likes to draw faces, hands and other body parts, and she likes surreal and absurd compositions. Especially if they are pink. Aside from drawing and painting, she is also a photographer, art director and graphic designer who enjoys making artwork for local and international brands. The more varied work she can do, the more inspired she gets.
Wine Time
Nina Bachmann humorously deals with ordinary everyday situations, questioning the pursuit of perfection and the ideal effect on our environment. In a colorful way she works with ecstatic emotional states and eccentric physicality. The boundaries between banality, absurdity and identities blur, leaving the viewer with an uncertain sense of pleasure.
The door
"I am a photographer and art director based in Paris, fascinated by the impact of humans and technologies on society. I enjoy capturing unique and singular moments. My creative work reflects my curiosity about everything around me."
The Devil In I
"I enjoy exploring my thoughts and ideas about the world around me through the creation of posters. I am constantly striving to expand my skillset and learn new techniques in order to enhance my perspective on reality. I always try to learn new ways of creating something that can enhance my way of filtering reality"
DROOL’s lineup features a carefully curated selection of unique art from independent and emerging artists from around the world.
Refresh your wall art with eye-catching design while supporting underrepresented creative talent.
Dance Til Ya Can't
Jocelyn Tsaih (b. 1992, Taipei) is a Taiwan-born, Shanghai-raised artist currently based in the US. She works in various mediums including illustration, painting, murals, and ceramics. Her work often includes amorphous figures meant to capture our human experience as well as what may be beyond it. She focuses heavily on making emotionally provoking images that are also open to the viewers' interpretations.
Paper Garden II
Stell Colour’s work is characterized by a vibrant use of color, geometric shapes, and abstract forms. Drawing inspiration from both natural and urban environments, Stell creates pieces that explore the relationship between form and color. Their art often features a playful mix of organic and structured elements, creating a dynamic visual balance
Stell Colour employs a variety of techniques in their artwork, blending traditional collage methods with modern digital tools. This hybrid approach allows for a unique texture and depth in their pieces, making each artwork a distinctive creation
A Village In Colours
mareykrap seeks to explore different moments of life with unrealistic colors and various textures in unformalized ways.
Italian Dream
DROOL’s lineup features a carefully curated selection of unique art from independent and emerging artists from around the world.
Refresh your wall art with eye-catching design while supporting underrepresented creative talent.
Soulmates & Stran...
Antoine Paikert aka Esquive Studio (b. 1996) is a French, Helsinki-based, self-taught multidisciplinary creative. Antoine finds inspiration in the seemingly insignificant human emotions. An exposure to art from his roots in the french Mediterranean enriched through travels, living in Germany, China and Finland has gifted him with a unique vision and take on design.
Fall 01
David Vanadia is an French artist and illustrator born and based in Marseille.Using minimalistic design, his work holds a bold graphic identity, with illustrations that like to make meaning.
Graduated from a school of applied arts, his practice develops mainly around the themes of being and the mind. David draws his inspiration in particular from the philosophical sphere and he likes to accompany his work with thoughts.
The idea that the visual arts can play the role of a universal language fascinates them, leading them to explore the primitive, if not almost mystical, facets of human expression.The link that unites man with nature also has a great influence on him; there is something sacred and divine in this relationship that fascinates him.
With a more thoughtful than spontaneous approach, David likes to bring a poetic dimension to his work. Using graphic games and visual metaphors, David's intentions invite reflection and appeal to our introspective feelings.
Make Love
mareykrap seeks to explore different moments of life with unrealistic colors and various textures in unformalized ways.